Sunday, May 20, 2012

What Super Power Do I want?

Day 14: If you could have one superpower what would it be and what would you do with it first?

I think that I would have to say Intuitive Aptitude, which is basically being super, super smart. Ok so it's not the most flashy of all super powers but think about it, it's easy to hide and it's useful in every situation. The first thing that I would do with it is solve the population problem by relocation. I would figure out a way to colonize the moon and Mars and then relocate people there. Then I could work on curing diseases like HIV/AIDS, cancer, and diabetes. Then I might trying solving the hunger problem. Basically I would try to solve all the worlds most pressing problems with my super smarts. Then I could just do something useless, like invent a mini contained solar system, that would be pretty cool.

Hope you enjoyed!

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